Faith Wiki

Cardinal Gifford is a minor character mentioned in FAITH: Chapter I and FAITH: Chapter II. As a cardinal, he holds a very high rank in the Catholic Church, second only to the Pope.


In the and Unholy Trinity versions of Chapter I, Michael will eventually drop a note after being repelled several times. In it, Cardinal Gifford demands to Father Garcia that he immediately releases and returns Michael Davies to his family. He details how Michael's parents are willing to accept compensation in return for their discretion behind Father Garcia imprisoning Michael. He also instructs Father Garcia to return to Rome, implying he will face repercussions for his actions.

In the "Father and Son" ending, the player will be able to view a letter (likely from Father Garcia) addressing Cardinal Gifford. In the letter, Father Garcia urges against releasing and returning Michael Davies to his family on account of the severity and violent nature behind his demonic possession. To prove this to Cardinal Gifford, Father Garcia had enclosed a picture of Michael in his possessed state, however it is now missing for whatever reason.

FAITH: Chapter II[]

The same note that Michael drops in Chapter I is present in the introduction of Chapter II as well, being found next to Father Garcia's bed.
