The Clinic is a location mentioned in Chapter I then appears in Chapter III. Although it's simply named Clinic, it's a childbirth clinic where patients would come in to deliver their babies. The building was previously operated by Gary, the leader of a cult named the Eternal Order of the Second Death, and was a front to collect babies to be used as sacrifices for a ritual called the Second Death that they had performed on Amy Martin.
- Airdorf has said that the clinic has nothing to do with abortions, and that Gary needs those babies alive for the Second Death. Nowhere in the series mentions anything abortion-related.
- In an interview with the Youtuber Wendigoon, Airdorf revealed it was intended to be a childbirth clinic, but took inspiration from a documentary about exposing abortion clinics in the 80s.[1]
- The scene with the swerving wheel while John is being rolled around in the gurney is a scene from Jacob's Ladder.
- The mother in the basement of the clinic is a reference to the film Noroi: The Curse. In the film an apparition of the character Kana is seen being covered in fetuses the same way the Mother is in the fight.