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The UNSPEAKABLE is the overarching antagonist of the FAITH series. It is an entity possessing unspeakable power unlike the world has ever seen and worshipped by the Eternal Order of the Second Death. Besides summoning the Antichrist onto Earth via the Second Death, the cult's secondary goal is to have the deity summoned onto Earth by having it possess a vessel. However, the possession process is intricate, requiring the vessel to be manipulated and drugged from a makeshift injection beforehand.

It's very important to note here that the UNSPEAKABLE and the Antichrist are two separate entities. There's a common misconception that they're the same.


Fitting of its name, the UNSPEAKABLE has a nearly inscrutable appearance. From its few static physical attributes, the entity typically takes the form of a massive, amorphous lump of red flesh with a single eye. Twelve arms sprout from its body, wiggling in vain to how a spider looks like. During a hallucination trip, the entity has a blood-shot eye.

The UNSPEAKABLE is also seemingly capable of shapeshifting, being able to transform itself into a red demon or a nun.


Although not much is known about the UNSPEAKABLE's personality, from what is demonstrated by its actions, it can be assumed that it's an eldritch entity of immense evil, whose goal is to destroy the world no matter the cost. As a deity of evil, it preys upon people's insecurities and weaknesses, sometimes presenting itself as benevolent to deceive others. It has been worshipped by the Eternal Order of the Second Death long before cultists obtained knowledge on how to perform the Second Death ritual from an outside source.

Although the UNSPEAKABLE doesn't have voice lines, only making animalistic wails or staying mute, it primarily uses Shakespearean English whenever it has to say something in a written form and prefers to stay formal. This becomes very relevant later on because it's one of the few foresights that it's this deity speaking in one of its many aliases.


Below is an attempt of detailing every possible instance the UNSPEAKABLE has been mentioned or seen within the series. Despite this rundown, the entity works primarily in the shadows, and we don't encounter it very often. Regardless, almost every event in this game is loosely connected back to this deity in some way, shape, or form.

Early 1986[]

The UNSPEAKABLE and the cult have been active for what seems to be centuries, but this entity is first loosely connected to a clinic somewhere in Connecticut. Before we delve into the clinic, it's important to mention that the main cult leader, Gary, emotionally manipulates people to join his cult. They're restricted from visiting family and loved ones so that they would never blab on what the cult does or operates in. Additionally, these newly inducted cult members (also called thralls) are heavily drugged so that they would never defect on him or from committing satanic acts. The way they get drugged is by injesting pills, and Gary manufactures them somewhere in his hideout. Whenever a thrall is intoxicated, they're under the influence of the UNSPEAKABLE. It's important to mention that the deity cannot directly interact with anybody in the real world, both because it has not been summoned yet and anybody cannot withstand being around its presence. However, it can interact with somebody when they're in an altered state of mind, like getting drugged or dreaming. Gary's secondary goal besides summoning the Antichrist via the Second Death is to successfully have the UNSPEAKABLE possess somebody by getting them drugged, but as of Early 1986 the drug's effects do not last long. Thralls and other cultists are mandated by Gary to continue taking their pills regularly, so whenever we see them, they're constantly high.

Back to the clinic, Gary operates the building and his thralls take the job as staff members. The clinic acts as a front to obtain an influx of afterbirths to be used for a vessel worthy of the Second Death from unsuspecting patients. Ever since the early 30s, the cult does not know the circumstances of the ritual since Miriam, the other cult leader, obtained knowledge on how to perform it from an outside source. Gary believes that the ritual doesn't have to use live infants and it's easier to get them from patients rather than abducting live ones. Besides attempting the Second Death ritual on the patients, which ultimately fail and kill them, the staff members test the drug on them as well.

Despite everything, the pills are not successful since the patients are waking up too soon. One of the staff members working there is worried that they'll eventually realize that all the other patients are experiencing the same hallucinations and believes using an injectable version is better. The Department of Health and the Sterling Police Department are picking up shady activities going on at the clinic, but Gary is able to cover up his tracks.

Sometime in 1986, a teenager called Amy Martin interns at the clinic since she doesn't get to interact with other people very often. Gary realizes that she's the perfect vessel for the Second Death, so he and other staff members groom her so that she can trust them. When the time is right, they'll seclude her from her parents so that nothing can get in their way and get her possessed by a demon that can aid the process of the Second Death. Amy's father, Bob, is already doing missionary work in Nicaragua so that just leaves dealing with Cindy, Amy's mother.

September 6th, 1986[]

(I got this date by looking at "FAITH - TheStorySoFar" .txt file found in the Goodies Folder)

This date loosely relates to the UNSPEAKABLE.

Recently, Cindy forbade Amy from ever returning to the clinic since she's getting judgmental looks by her religious friends at her Book Club. Amy obliges even though she's against the idea. This jeopardizes Gary's plans of using her, so he mails Amy a letter to convince her to come back and meet her friends at the clinic on a Saturday night. So, on the 6th, Amy sneaks out of her home and attends the get-together. Gary and cultists strapped her down and got her possessed by a demon. They dump her back at the Martin House and Cindy is non-the-wiser, although noticing that Amy has some kind of condition.

The reasoning as to why this date is included is that there's evidence in Chapter II that Amy's Demon is an alias of the UNSPEAKABLE. That'll be elaborated soon.

September 21st, 1986[]

This date loosely relates to the UNSPEAKABLE for a variety of reasons.

Shortly before the 21st, Bob returned home from Nicaragua and notices Cindy being more delusional than ever before about her miscarried twins and Amy is acting silent and standoffish. Bob and Cindy believe that there's something supernatural taking over their daughter, so with no other choice, they contact the Catholic Church to see if an exorcist can arrive to help her, despite not being religious. Father Allred is assigned to take on the task since he's an experienced priest and exorcist. He hires an assistant to help him during the rite since he notices how much of a hold Amy's Demon has on her, so an inexperienced exorcist called John Ward is hired. Allred plans to perform the exorcism on the 21st.

In the middle of the night on the 21st, Father Allred drives John to the Martin House and the two begin exorcising Amy in the basement. However, Amy's Demon is too powerful, and temporarily knocks out Allred while John was relocating Bob and Cindy back to the kitchen. Before Allred falls unconscious, he leaves his crucifix behind and instructs John to take it and save her with his own blood. John does so and finds Amy standing in the darkness in the attic. He restarts the exorcism but, once again, the demon is too powerful and knocks him out. Coming to, John musters courage and tries to find her once again, despite coming across the gutted remains of Bob and Cindy. In the basement, he hears Father Allred calling out to him for help. When he finds him, Allred is not moving, and his eyes are gouged out. Getting closer, Amy appears and mimics Allred's voice and toys with his corpse. She stands up, crawls on all fours, and attempts to ambush John. Before she kills him, the lights to the entire house cut out.

Vulnerable and terrified in the dark, John emotionally breaks down and caves into his fear. He freaks out that he'll be killed in the darkness and pleads to the Lord for help. With no response, he prays for anyone else to help. Suddenly, a white entity manifest before him.


Using Shakespearean English, the entity says that it hears him and asks what he wishes. John breaks down to it and says that it's all too much for him, he's very afraid, and just wants to escape the house alive. The entity questions about the girl but John pleads that he just wants to go home. The entity says that if it leads him to safety, then the girl's fate will be sealed, implying that the demon possessing Amy will have a stronger hold on her and will likely never be exorcised. Exhausted, John repeats himself that he just wants to go home. The entity forces him to swear on it and John obliges.

John unknowingly made a deal to what he thinks is a holy figure. There were signs that this entity is not what it seems, but John was too afraid and exhausted to understand the gravity of his situation. With this deal done, he's able to walk out of the house alive and staggers towards paramedics and the police outside. Apparently, the entity was able to contact emergency services to be at the house with some kind of divine intervention.


We're going to skip a chunk of the aftermath of this exorcism, but in summary, John and Amy are admitted to a mental institution when the police find the bodies of her parents and Father Allred. Originally, John is suspected to be the murderer, but after a month of counseling and investigation, Amy is charged with the murders. The Catholic Church controlled what the public knows about this incident and the consensus is that she desperately lashed out to her controlling parents and Allred for using old church rituals. She serves her sentencing in an institution and John is cleared to return back home. However, he had to fake acceptance of what happened in that house since his assigned psychiatric doctor and staff members were using unethical practices to push the belief that nothing supernatural occurred. Additionally, he comes into conclusions that the white entity he was speaking to was the Devil and was tricked to making a deal with it. He still holds on to the belief that he can still somehow exorcise the demon that's still possessing Amy but feels immense guilt for inadvertently dooming her. He gets denounced as a minister by the Catholic Church, assumingly because they don't want him to blab to the public that a demon overpowered two experienced priests.


We, at the very least, know the White Entity is some kind of unholy figure. It preyed on John's vulnerability/fear and wanted to make a deal with him to make sure Amy's Demon will never be exorcised. Besides, if it truly was a holy figure, or even the Lord, they do not directly communicate or appear before anybody. More importantly, this deception is an inspiration on how Satan acts towards humans. There are many depictions of Satan being a bright, white light (which is where the name Lucifer comes from) and enjoys tricking people to do his bidding. Additionally, this entity is filenamed "angel", which relates to how Satan used to be an archangel before he tried to compete against God. The reason why I brought this Satan connection up is that there's a hint in a note in Chapter II that the UNSPEAKABLE is Satan. That will be elaborated soon.

May to July of 1987[]

Cutting to 1987, we go to the Candy Tunnels, a sewage system in Sterling, Connecticut that is frequently occupied by drug addicts and the homeless. Sometime in May, the cult summoned a demon, called the Peekaboo Demon in the files, to kill the people who live there as sacrifices. In return, the Peekaboo Demon (somehow) aids the preparation for the UNSPEAKABLE to possess a vessel by using the sacrifices it killed. Miriam and other thralls attend its sacrificial ceremonies and dump the bodies in a drainage ditch, which brings attention to the locals that live around the area. Although they've been asking the Sterling Police Department to investigate the bodies, the department doesn't budge since they're biased towards the demographic that live in the sewers. This preparation will go into detail later, but for now, the Peekaboo Demon has been killing these people for the name of the deity for three months.

September of 1987[]

Skipping past a couple of months, it's now September. At some point, judging on the game description for Chapter I, John experiences a vivid dream where Amy reaches out to him to return to the Martin House on the anniversary of the exorcism to finish what he started. Based on an appearance in Chapter III, John apparently practices using his crucifix against a Red Demon and wakes up from the dream. He retrieves his priestly clothes and outfit in preparation.

Based off of a cutscene in Chapter II, this Red Demon is an alias of the UNSPEAKABLE. This appearance suggests that ever since John made the deal with a White Entity, the deity lingers in the background.

September 21st, 1987[]

Everything prior to this date was based purely on context clues and speculation, but the UNSPEAKABLE first becomes majorly relevant on this date. However, although this doesn't directly tie to the deity, it's important to mention that Amy (somehow) escapes from a mental institution on the 13th and returns to the Martin House. Gary and his cultists have been waiting around the property ever since the first exorcism in hopes that she would ever return. Now in the house, cultists strapped her down in the basement and performed the Second Death on her. With how the ritual works, she is technically dead, and she will never be freed from her possession.

Now the 21st, Gary and cultists lock the front door to the house shortly before nightfall so that they can gather more sacrifices to put into her face portal. In the night, John drives to Snake Meadow Hill Road, parks, and ventures into the forest to finish the exorcism. Going inside the house after finding the key in a desolated shed and warding off a "Chupacabra" called Michael, he finds Amy hiding underneath her bed. After a short battle, she flees to the attic. John catches up to her and reattempts the exorcism. During the struggle, it's important to mention that a human hand emerges from her face portal, but shrouds back when she is seemingly defeated.


Staggering herself towards the attic window, she suddenly flings herself out of the window while screaming. Attempting to run out of the house to check on her, John spots a rifle in the foyer room and the words, "KILL HER" written backwards in blood. He picks up the rifle and notices it only has one bullet left. Although tempted, John ignores the urge from the backward lettering, and returns back to his silver sedan despite knowingly leaving Amy to bleed out from her injuries. Shooting Michael in self-defense and watching him get ran over by a speeding truck, he drives home and contemplates if he did the right thing.

The UNSPEAKABLE is not referenced directly or seen on this date, but later on we'll find out the meaning behind the words in blood and the human hand from her face. Gary and other cultists almost walk back into the house and notices Amy nearly dead from her injuries. It's apparent that somebody unattended was inside the house but aren't able to track down the culprit since John is faraway by now. Due to her severe injuries, and nearly getting exorcised, they cannot use her to summon the Antichrist. Amy is relocated to a safehouse called the Crucible to recover.

It's never explained here, but Gary was able to figure out that it was John who was within the house. There's speculation that it was the UNSPEAKABLE who informed Gary that it was John and where he lives since it's the one who wrote the backward lettering, but it's never explained. Regardless, ever since John (and another priest called Father Garcia) was nearby the house, it appears that the UNSPEAKABLE attached to them and starts to make its presence known through personal dreams.

September 22nd to September 27th, 1987[]

Between these dates, John has been experiencing vivid, personal nightmares ever since he attempted to exorcise Amy, where he wakes up in a panic after coming across Miriam. As we'll see soon, these nightmares loosely corelate to the UNSPEAKABLE's doing. Before he comes across Miriam within a church called Snake Meadow Hill Church, there's a note nearby a staircase in the basement; instructions on how to perform the Ritual of the Door to Hell (or more accurately, how to enter the Unseen World). A majority of the note doesn't entirely relate to the UNSPEAKABLE, except for line that refers to John as "Master of Spirits". The meaning is unclear, but we could summarize that the title refers to how he's an exorcist and skillful in using his crucifix to cast away spirits possessing objects. John gets referred to as such in later chapters where it gives bigger evidence that the UNSPEAKABLE is communicating.

Either before or after this nightmare, cutting back to the Candy Tunnels, the Sterling Police Department was pressured to raid the tunnels by the locals due to a recent discovery of a dead traveling couple nearby the drainage ditch. The locals and the Police Department believe that a serial killer called Joe Baumann is the culprit behind this recent murder and the other five victims back in May. The officers raided the tunnels to kill off the suspected killer once and for all, but many were downed and one of them was killed. The following news report doesn't elaborate on what happened inside the tunnels and if Baumann was injured. Only one officer truly saw what happened during the raid; the Peekaboo Demon attacked and dragged one of the dead officers into its lair.

We never get a following of this raid, but we can at least attempt to understand the gravity of this incident. Even though the demon was able to push off the officers, the cult will get crushed by them when the police come back with more reinforcements. This part is speculation, but I believe that Gary got a recommendation from his henchwoman, Tiffany, to relocate operations to an apartment complex she lives in. If they do that, they'll be able to summon the demon and use the tenants as sacrifices without giving too much attention to themselves. More importantly, they can use her friend, Lisa, as a vessel suitable for the UNSPEAKABLE to possess by severely drugging her. This speculation will become relevant soon.

Additionally, Miriam got the Second Death performed on her for the second time in an inner sanctum since Amy is not recovering anytime soon. She wishes to become a part of the Unholy Trinity, more specifically the "Daughter" part of it since that was the intended use for Amy. However, her body is too fragile to withstand the effects, by 86' she's well into her late 70s or 80s. After the ritual was performed, she became immobile and cannot speak. She's relocated to the Crucible to see if she'll ever awaken. I'm mentioning this here because the UNSPEAKABLE is tied to using Miriam in some way via personal nightmares to John.

September 28th, 1987[]

A week after his second failed exorcism, John experiences his worst nightmare yet. The dream begins with John standing in the middle of five rocks. Walking around and unlocking a gate to Gallup Cemetery, there's a note nearby a tomb (called Save Family Tomb). The note says as follows:

Dearest Disciple,

Verily, not everyone who says LUCIFER, LUCIFER, shall inherit His kingdom.

You must first conjure His demon.

You must then serve His demon.

You must then walk among the children of men as His demon.

Thus shall you receive the blessing of the UNSPEAKABLE. Return to the Save Family tomb whenever you are in need of rest.

- Gary

— Note #4: UNSPEAKABLE's Blessing Instructions, Chapter II

This is the biggest indication that his nightmares are demonic in nature since there's no way he would've attained this knowledge, let alone reading it while he was awake. We will see soon enough how this applies to one of the routes John can go through to meet the UNSPEAKABLE face-to-face. Regardless, John explores the rest of the graveyard and finds a dilapidated church nearby a cornfield.

After banishing the Spindly Lady in Snake Meadow Hill Church, her defeat unlocks a seal leading to the basement. Going inside, he spots a silhouette of Amy floating into the darkness and a dial of satanic symbols. In the next room, the entire room is pitch-black except for satanic symbols and demon hands blocking the exit. Looking at the dial, John follows the path of symbols to gain access to the next area. However, he accidentally steps on a wrong symbol. All the other symbols except for one disappears. If he doesn't return back to where he started, he gets killed by an unseen figure. Going back on his starting point in time, we see the UNSPEAKABLE quickly shrouding back into the darkness, revealing it was trying to kill him.

Ch 2 unspeakable retreat

Walking out of the basement, he's outside of a shed that connects to the church. Aimlessly meandering, he sees a ritualistic circle with three decapitated thralls on each point, the same ones that he's seen inside Save Family Tomb while trying to pass through Gallup Cemetery earlier. In the middle, there's a newspaper article, so he reads it.


Titled, "THREE MURDERED IN LATEST WAVE OF RITUALISTIC KILLINGS", the article is about the Sterling Police Department finding the bodies of three young people a couple of miles nearby Gallup Cemetery the day prior, where authorities label it a ritualistic murder. The victims, Sandra Attwood, Troy Ingles, and Angel Nogales respectively, were killed in a paganistic ritual then stabbed multiple times and decapitated postmortem. Randomly, the article says, "Pandemonium regnant", giving insight that we can't entirely trust what this document says. The article goes on to say that Sterling residents reported seeing a desecrated tomb and a trail of blood leading off into the woods, but the investigators involved in the case aren't releasing whether the two incidents are related or not. Authorities report that the arrangement of the bodies and certain symbols written in blood are similar to the style of several murders that have been occurring in Sterling since 1986. Strangely, the article tries to connect that these latest killings might be related to last week's murder of Amy, committed by John. Apparently, he wore a priest outfit to gain Amy's trust and lured her into the woods to shoot her.

The article continues that investigators are asking Sterling residents to report any findings to the police. However, the authorities urge residents to not mourn the loss of the victims because, "after all, they were degenerate devil-worshipping thugs who were addicted to crack cocaine and hated their parents." This sudden tone shift starts to talk to John directly through the newspaper, saying that that's what he wants the police to think about the victims and wonders why they're even doing an investigation at all since they got what they deserved. This voice then discusses what happened to the victims as if John was the one who committed the crimes, saying that he did the community a favor when he found them getting high in the desecrated tomb. He then stalked them through the graveyard and killed them one by one, ignoring their pleas for help and stabbed their drug-addicted bodies and decapitated them since, apparently, everyone knows that's how you kill a snake. Then, the voice starts to get even more aggressive, shouting that he did not kill the snake and cannot kill what can't be killed. It mocks John by saying that he cannot put up what he can't put down again. The voice starts to reference Amy, aggressively mocking how John could not kill her. It says that he cannot interrupt it's works because it's the work of the Eternal Dragon.

Spiraling into further chaos, the voice refers to Amy once again, "EVEN NOW SHE IS AT THY DOOR. HER HAND IS AT THY THROAT, AND YET YOU SEE HER NOT. I WILL HAVE THY SOUL FOR I AM THE G O D O F T H I S W O R L D." The remaining article repeats, "PANDEMONIUM REGNANT" in a loop and an inverse cross formed in numbers of "666" is shown. Suddenly, there's purple text from Amy, telling John that she's here. Looking away from the article, Amy's Demon booms, "YOU ARE MINE, PRIEST" and the three decapitated bodies are mysteriously standing up. Their beheaded shoulders are engulfed in fire. Cultists roam the background and Amy stares at John directly. Suddenly, John's face contorts into anguish and agony as his body melts into a gray creature.

John melting

With context clues, we can accurately summarize that the voice was the UNSPEAKABLE. Comparing to every character John will come across, nobody in the series feel mighty or egotistical enough to call themselves the God of this World, but that description would be perfect to describe this entity. Additionally, what's important to point out is that the name, "God of this World" is a nickname for Satan, which connects how the White Entity from earlier is an alias. In addition, saying that it's doing the works of the Eternal Dragon is referencing another name for Satan. So, in all likelihood, it's referring to itself in third person, like what God goes by in The Bible ("Your God" "The Lord" for example)

The way the voice says that John couldn't kill Amy means that the backward words in blood was from this entity, which means it was intending for John to get arrested by a sheriff to get him out of the picture, as we can see in one of the endings in Chapter I. Lastly, the way it says that John cannot kill what can't be killed implies that it's connected to whatever demon is possessing Amy, highly implying that her demon is a manifestation of the UNSPEAKABLE. To decode what the deity meant about Amy near the last part, I believe the intention is that John cannot let go on how he failed to exorcise her for the second time. Figuratively, she's haunting him in his dreams and can't shake off the feeling of failure. "EVEN NOW SHE IS AT THY DOOR" could be a reference to the "Ritual of the Door to Hell" note back in Chapter II Prologue, meaning that Amy is damned from passing away due to both her possession and Second Death.

After crawling through the Unseen World, John comes across a tunnel that has "candy tunnels" written in red marker on top. He walks inside and explores the area, finding notes that detailed various past events of the tunnels. After coming across the Peekaboo Demon and banishing a demon lurking in the darkness, John spots a thrall running away in a pipe, so he follows in pursuit. In the dark, John is seemingly transported into a sanctum. Finding a key and unlocking a door, Miriam suddenly stands behind him and shouts, "HERE I AM!" She mutters, "My little one" and tries to grab John's neck. Mordaciously, she grabs her face in pain before disappearing.


A gray figure was able to come in time and repelled her with his crucifix. The figure tells John to not be afraid and that they can both banish the demon together by protecting him while he recites the 91st Psalm. In the next room, the two face Miriam and other thralls that try to kill the pair.


With enough exorcising, Miriam stumbles before screaming. Her body evaporates into the Red Demon, the same demon John saw a couple weeks ago, which in turn shifts into the UNSPEAKABLE. The entity emits flashing red lights, causing John to wake up from his nightmare in a panic.


This reveal of Miriam being the UNSPEAKABLE all along is generally complicated to understand. This nun was involved during one of John's nightmares, Chapter II Prologue, but it's difficult to dictate whether the UNSPEAKABLE was still disguising as her or not, including her involvement at Snake Meadow Hill Church during the 50s. This is even more confusing since we will see her again in the future. With many attempts to understand this disguise, we can conclude that this entity cannot directly be seen or touched by anybody without overwhelming the viewer. It's intangible and too powerful to be near its full form. However, it can easily interact with somebody through alter egos and disguises, even implying that it's the sole reason as to why John experiences these personal nightmares ever since he attempted to exorcise Amy. It's like it attached itself to John that he cannot shake off.

For the reasoning as to why the UNSPEAKABLE disguises as Miriam, a theory could be that she is currently incapacitated and recovering in the Crucible ever since she reattempted the Second Death. If this occurred before Chapter II Prologue, then this could mean that the deity wanted to interact with John by posing as his temporary motherly figure back when he was an orphan at Snake Meadow Hill Church. You can sort of tell this by Miriam's lines, it's as if she remembers him and tries to get into his head. Unfortunately, despite everything, the series has yet to explain the reasoning.

Ending III "Initiation"[]

The canonical ending after John wakes up from his nightmare is that he reads a letter from somebody called Father Garcia to look for Nate & Jason Martin and Malphas' summoning site. Alternatively, in this ending, John followed the instructions he found nearby Save Family Tomb to receive the UNSPEAKABLE's blessing. He creates a pentagram with his own blood, willingly lets a child get taken by a demon, and butchers a traveling couple while in his Wretch form. Everything stays the same except in the inner sanctum, where John can pick up this note at the end of a corridor.



— Note #23: Faithful Servant, Chapter II

Like every other time that we see Shakespearean English, we can assume that the UNSPEAKABLE wrote or said it. Waking up after defeating Miriam, the atmosphere in his house feels different. There's no letter from Father Garcia at his front door but the back door is mysteriously unlocked, so John walks outside. The screen fades to John walking towards the middle of a pentagram with thralls, cultists, and Gary in the background. The UNSPEAKABLE slowly drifts from the sky and gets closer to John.


Missing his collar and staring at the entity, John's hollow eyes begin to bleed and the screen fades to black.

John bleeding

Obviously, the ending is not canon since John has seemingly been initiated into the cult by "serving his demon" from the instructions earlier. The UNSPEAKABLE's inclusion in here means that John is still dreaming since the entity has not been summoned onto Earth yet and knows a lot about his trauma when he was an orphan and failing to exorcise Amy. This reestablishes that the UNSPEAKABLE can only interact with people indirectly through dreams and, as we will see soon, through hallucinations. It seems like the cult doesn't entirely care what happens to John. If he could be killed, then that's a benefit to them. If he gets initiated into the cult, then that's a benefit as well. Either way, it would get John out of the picture since he's the only one who's capable of going against their goals.

October of 1987[]

Sometime in October, the cult transferred operations from the Candy Tunnels to an apartment complex in New Haven. Gary took over the entire building and allowed his thralls to live there in exchange for paying for rent and utilities. The Peekaboo Demon was later on summoned to use the tenants that used to live there as sacrifices to aid the process of the UNSPEAKABLE's coming. The cult intends to use one of the tenants, Lisa, as a vessel for the UNSPEAKABLE to possess by drugging her. However, Tiffany realized that Gary still has plans to use Amy for the Second Death ritual. Jealous, Tiffany plans to one-up Amy by performing her own makeshift Second Death ritual. Additionally, she wants to bring all the attention to herself by summoning Alu. Alu puts its own seal over Lisa's apartment room so that nobody has access to get to her. Tiffany uses the majority of the sacrifices that were intended for the Peekaboo Demon for the Second Death, believing that seven sacrifices are not enough and requires more to make it successful. The ritual is botched due to using more-than-necessary sacrifices and being too willing to have it perform. A behemoth of a demon situates itself on her obliterated shoulders. Tiffany flees and hides in the Unseen World version of the 10th Floor to entice Gary to meet her, in hopes that he will be swooned by how dedicated she is to him. With an absence of sacrifices, the Peekaboo Demon has gotten out of control and is starting to target the thralls that live there. By the time John makes it there on the 29th, the apartment building is generally abandoned by the original tenants and the thralls. With the Profane Sabbath approaching, Gary doesn't have time to deal with Tiffany's betrayal and abandons the building.

October 28th, 1987[]

An entire month has passed with no updates from Father Garcia. However, John starts to experience a vivid nightmare where he relives his first failed exorcism with Amy in 1986, where his superior, Father Allred, and Amy's parents were killed by her hands. Waking up and walking to his front door, John finds a new letter from Garcia. In it, he tells him that he couldn't find the twins in the state foster care system but instructs him to investigate a clinic Amy used to work at to see if Malphas might be summoned there. Gearing up, John drives to the destination. Bypassing a lone police officer at the entrance of the abandoned building, John goes inside and explores the area. In one room, John exorcises an IV stand, which drops a note-to-self. It details an unnamed clinic worker pointing out that a pill did not dissolve well in the IV drip. The patients are waking up prematurely before a process is complete due to the pill being weak. This is a problem since, apparently, the patients will eventually realize that they're all experiencing the same hallucinations. The note ends that they're suggesting turning the pill into a concentrated and injectable version so that it's effects won't worn off too soon.

Ch 3 iv drip note

(The UNSPEAKABLE is not directly referenced here, but this note is the same detail I was referring to back in Early 1986) After killing a creature with the help of the officer stationed outside, John goes back inside the clinic and gets back on a gurney. Waiting among corpses, one of them sits up, moves mystically, and pushes John towards a locked door. Behind the door was a long staircase, plummeting John all the way down until the gurney crashes. Hearing a baby crying in the distance, John follows the noise and sees a woman cradling a baby at the far end of a room.


Asking if she's seen the twins, she responds that they belong to someone named Gary. Trying to ask who Gary is, she reveals her skeletal face and remarks that he's just a human being just like him and her. Freaked out, John tries to leave politely but the woman stops him, saying that her babies haven't eaten in days. After a battle, the woman and her babies are banished. John returns back home, with no sign of the twins or Malphas, but he'll see soon that her defeat was crucial to finish his journey once and for all.

October 29th, 1987[]

John experiences another nightmare of his first exorcism. Waking up, John reads a new letter from Father Garcia to investigate an apartment building in New Haven, thinking that Malphas might be summoned there. He also gets letters from Lisa, his childhood friend, to help her from her creepy neighbors. John drives to the location, parks outside, and investigates the building.

Ch3 Apartment

Walking around, John once again faces against the Peekaboo Demon, this time in the dark. Going down to the basement and retrieving his crucifix, he banishes the demon. Returning to Room 2B, a room where he was getting chased, he exorcises a graffiti of an eye on the wall. It drops a note, which details Gary telling his tenants that they will be expecting a "very special visitor" to aid the coming of the UNSPEAKABLE. Gary advise them to stay absolutely still if they're lucky to come across it and never venture down the lair it makes, even if they hear familiar voices or their fellow cult members down there.

A Very Special Visitor Note Location

Freeing Lisa from Alu's clutches, John senses a seal breaking somewhere beyond. Playing the Elevator Game, he's transported into the Unseen World version of the 10th Floor. Following a trail of satanic symbols, John spots a woman standing motionlessly in the darkness. Sensing someone in the room, the woman, Tiffany, believes that Gary is in the room with her. John mistakes her for Amy, making Tiffany disappointed that Amy was even brought up. John asks who Gary is, but Tiffany gives him a vague answer, saying that he's a human just like him and her. The lighting in the area grows a bit brighter, showing her missing head. Tiffany tells John that she did this to show Him what she could do for Him. Worried, John asks if she did that to herself. Tiffany responds that she was the first to perform the Second Death ritual willingly. Her gigantic demon situated on her beheaded shoulders reveals itself as she claims that she's gone "beyond". Before a fight ensues, she calls herself the "Daughter of the UNSPEAKABLE".


Although John defeated Tiffany and her demon, there was no signs of Malphas or the Martin Twins. John exits the apartment building and returns home.

October 30th, 1987[]

For the past two days, John's search for the twins and the summoning site of Malphas has been fruitless. Once again, there's a new letter from Father Garcia, instructing John to investigate a daycare center on 4th Street since he's getting reports of children exhibiting strange behavior. This time, he believes that if they can find the site where Malphas will be summoned, the twins will be there as well. John drives to the location, passes police officers stationed nearby the entrance, and enters the building.


Nearby a sealed staircase, there's a note that gives vague hints on what John has to do to solve a puzzle.

Mother Moon watcheth her little ones behind a door of sleep

Daughter Chalice is filled, an offering to the Master in the Unseen World

Spirit Bird arriveth from afar and cometh back to roost.

These vessels are the Unholy Trinity.

The Fallen Star shall guide them.

What colors can you see?

Look to the children if you are lost.

— Note #31: Color Puzzle Poem, Chapter III

Let's transcribe what all of this means since it relates to the UNSPEAKABLE. Although you can't tell right now because the wikipedia doesn't use color in quotes, this note is entirely in purple. We're going to find another purple-colored note shortly after this that gives bigger evidence that the UNSPEAKABLE wrote it. By order. I'm going to explain who means who in order.

  • Mother Moon = Miriam. You can tell because, "watcheth her little ones behind a door of sleep" is a nod to her being immobilized in the Crucible. It also relates to the Mother and Child Demon from the clinic because she has a legion of babies and stays behind a locked door.
  • Daughter Chalice = Amy/Perfect Vessel. Generally speaking, Daughter Chalice will always relate to Amy since she's the chosen one for the Second Death. Her being "filled" refers to how she got possessed by an alias of the UNSPEAKABLE, or the "Master". From this note alone, it establishes that the deity is situated in the Unseen World, which is interesting since it's not staying in Hell like the Antichrist or any other demons. I guess the wording can be used interchangeably because the Unseen World is this series' version of Purgatory and nobody on Earth has ever seen what Hell looks like anyway. In this note specifically, the title refers to Tiffany since she hid in the Unseen World and her being "filled" is a nod to her behemoth demon situating on her head. She calls herself the Daughter of the UNSPEAKABLE so that's probably why the deity is referred to as "Master".
  • Spirit Bird = Malphas. Self-explanatory, in Demonology he has a higher role in Hell and can go whenever he pleases. This note also refers to the Unholy Spirit (an enemy that we'll see soon) since it can teleport and float around whenever it wishes.
  • "These vessels are the Unholy Trinity" heavily suggests that the Moon, Chalice, and Spirit Bird are entities rather than something figurative. They're inhabiting Miriam, Amy, and Malphas' bodies.
  • Fallen Star = Gary/Astaroth. In Demonology, Astaroth is one of the many angels who were casted off to Hell after Satan attempted to go against God in The Bible. In this series, Gary is the human form of Astaroth (I won't be going into specifics in here, check Gary's wiki page) and attempts to create his own Unholy Trinity by using Miriam, Malphas, and the vessel of the Second Death (Amy).

John unlocks the seal of a staircase and ventures into a makeshift tunnel, called Garyland in the game files. John attempts to solve another puzzle to gain access to a locked gate, but suddenly gets bombarded by Gary who's holding a syringe. Gary pricks John in the neck, causing him to stagger and scream as the drug's effects kick in immediately. Although we, the player, are shown cryptic imagery, we see a glimpse of John walking around with his shirt off and gleaming a wicked smile. We also briefly see the UNSPEAKABLE wiggling and making animalistic wails.


This is the last time we'll ever see the UNSPEAKABLE, although it will get mentioned in the future. This design is different compared to the design it had through John's dreams. It has a fleshier mass and the singular eye is bloodshot. Additionally, this is the only time it makes any noise, emitting an animalistic wail. The reasoning as to why it looks more grotesque is unknown, but with context clues we could assume that dreams and hallucinations are varied forms of consciousness. Dreams aren't coherent and are generally abstract. Hallucinations are more grounded to reality but what a person sees is not truly there. This appearance of the UNSPEAKABLE is the closest to what the entity would have looked like if it truly was summoned onto Earth.

After seeing an image of a gull with a broken wing, red text appears in the bottom screen that says, "Now, you are ready". Next, John experiences another nightmare where Amy rushes him after mimicking Father Allred's voice. Waking up, John walks into the next room and sees a massacre. Blood is all over the floor and the gutted remains of thralls are strewn everywhere. One of them was skewered by a bar from the same gate John was trying to unlock earlier and pinned to the wall. There's one survivor that's still alive and missing their legs. They try to crawl away and says, "Please, no..." when John gets close. Before dying, they mutter, "The holy man..."

This injection is the same drug that has been referenced time and time again. Although thralls and cultists are constantly high from this same drug, it's effects are enhanced for John specifically. This could be either because the injectable version is more condensed than a pill or it manipulated John's sadistic side (remember, he has one judging by the newspaper article back in Chapter II) since the UNSPEAKABLE was briefly in control. Despite coming across the bloodbath, John doesn't comment on what he's just done and moves on, either because he truly felt the thralls deserved it or can't comprehend what just happened.

Venturing deeper within Garyland, banishing the Unclean Spirit, and grabbing three artifacts, John unlocks the door on Moloch and treaches down a staircase. Nearby there's a purple-colored note and it says as follows:

Master of Spirits,

The body of the Mother stayeth suspended beneath the Crucible of the Profane Sabbath.

If thou canst unlock the final secret of the Crucible, know ye this:

The cross hath the power to weaken the Mother, But only someone who is ablaze with purifying fire canst truly destroy Her.

If thou canst understand these words, thou shalt know the true cost of thy faith.

— Note #39: Master of Spirits, Chapter III

Once again John is formally referred to as "Master of Spirits". However, with only just that title, we can't 100% discern that the UNSPEAKABLE wrote it or not. With process of elimination, the best candidate would be that deity. Amy nor demon could not have written this since they're currently incapacitated in the Crucible. Additionally, it's unlikely her demon would give John advice and Amy doesn't use Shakespearean English. It cannot be Malphas since he never speaks a language in the series and every other character wouldn't have willingly try to help John defeating Miriam. With this in mind, and the purple-colored text from before, the UNSPEAKABLE is our only option. This note implies that everything John, Father Garcia, and the cult have done up to this point has been orchestrated by this deity, because otherwise the reasoning as to why it would help John is unclear.

Traversing through dark corridors and a field littered with white trees and stick dolls, John removes a seal covering a door and heads inside. Thralls stare at him coldly and Gary's voice booms on how to create a portal to Hell. By time, the thralls contort into fleshy mass. When Gary finishes his riddle, "sometimes, it comes walking right up to you.", John spots Nate and Jason holding hands in the darkness. As he gets closer, something is wrong, and he becomes winded. As he catches his breath, blood protrudes from his eyes and mouth. However, he senses someone standing right behind him. John slowly opens his eyes and turns around to face Gary, gleefully smiling back at him. Gary calls out to him and says it's so nice to finally meet him.

The screen fades to a flashback where John unknowingly made a deal with the White Entity, who is the UNSPEAKABLE in disguise. The flashback ends when John staggers towards the police and paramedics.

October 31st, 1987[]

Meeting face-to-face, Gary introduces himself with his full name. Connecting the two together, John realizes he's the one who's been behind the majority of his journey and demands to know what's going on. Chuckling, Gary decides to let him ask three questions since he's come this far. One of the questions John can ask is about the injection. Gary chuckles again and his face mutates, saying that it was a gift to prepare his body and mind for the UNSPEAKABLE to enter (the word "enter" flickers with "abuse"). Without it, Gary states that he could not have withstand its presence. Noticing John's scowl, Gary mockingly asks why he's pulling a long face, and that he should be thanking him.


The revelation in here is that one of Gary's overarching goals, besides summoning the Antichrist through the Second Death (revealed in one of John's questions), he's been planning to bring the UNSPEAKABLE onto Earth by fully possessing a victim since everything else beforehand was conjecture. We see this through the intentions the cult and the Peekaboo Demon had with Lisa from earlier. Through context clues, it seems like the UNSPEAKABLE is unique, and measly possessing someone like a demon doesn't work for it. To fully have it take over a person, the possession process is delicate. The injection's effects were not strong enough for the UNSPEAKABLE to do any more damage, but Gary probably knew this but pricked him anyway for torment.

With two other questions out of the way, Gary stops chatting, and says that John will finally kneel (the word "kneel" flashes with "decay") under the UNSPEAKABLE and a fight ensues. During the battle, Gary has a chance of summoning apparitions of foes John has dealt with in the past, including the Red Demon. That demon's appearance reinforces that the Tutorial section is real and more likely a dream. Since we saw the Red Demon transform into the UNSPEAKABLE in Chapter II, then it's an alias of the deity as well. With enough exorcising, Gary stumbles and tries to grab John's neck. However, blood splatters from his head, and Gary recoils in pain. Father Garcia has come (again) to save him, this time with a shotgun. He tells John to not be afraid and shoots Gary two more times as he flees.


Garcia properly introduces himself and the pair follow Gary in pursuit.

Ending II "A New Journey"[]

In the next room, Garcia introduces John to the entrance of the Crucible. He congratulates him for removing the seal and now the Unholy Trinity doesn't have the power to halt their tracks. John jumps into the Crucible while Garcia fends off incoming thralls and cultists who are preparing for the Second Death. Walking through a deteriorated version of the Martin House, the screen cuts to John facing against a monster who's kneeling in front of an incapacitated Miriam. The monster has Gary's voice, revealing that he transformed into his true form, Astaroth. A battle ensues, and even Malphas joins the fray, but John holds them off with his crucifix.

With no other choice, Gary and Malphas turn into spirits and inhabit Miriam's body. She screams as her body contorts into an amalgamation of the two. During the fight, the spirits briefly leave her body. Remembering the note back in Garyland, John catches himself on fire and alights Miriam. As her body burns, Malphas shrieks as his spirit deteriorates and Gary retorts back to his human self. When he vanishes, Miriam bursts into a gory mess. With Miriam dead, Amy appears and slowly drifts towards the two. Gary staggers towards her and mutters how he can complete his Unholy Trinity. Suddenly, a demonic hand grabs his face, and she shouts, "FAILURE!". Tentacles emerge and drag him back into the portal.

Now with Gary gone, Amy gets closer to John and her returns back to normal. He apologizes to her that he wasn't able to save her. Amy says that it's ok and they can't hurt her anymore. She applauds on his braveness and now he can finish what he started. Miriam's blood stops raining, and John raises his crucifix to finish his year-long exorcism prayer. When he's done, Amy's demon is banished and only her skeleton remains.

The screen fades to John and Father Garcia walking out of the daycare and trampling over the bodies of thralls and police officers. The pair recuperate at John's silver sedan and Garcia ask if he's done it. He replies yes, saying that what he encountered there was unspeakable, but destroyed it with the help of the Lord. Garcia corrects him, saying that although he defeated a mighty demon and disrupted the Profane Sabbath, the UNSPEAKABLE is still out there. Garcia needs help in hunting the entity down and destroying it for good, noting that John has grown stronger. Telling him that he needs spiritual warriors like him, Lisa suddenly cuts him off and calls for John. She tells John that he doesn't need to keep fighting anymore. Although he's confused on what to do, Lisa tells him that they can figure it out together. Either picking to form a stronger bond with Lisa or fighting demons with Garcia, John gains a new journey in life.


Ending I "A New Purpose"[]

Alternatively, if John did not remove the seal on the Crucible but kept Lisa alive and checked on Father Allred in a nightmare, John had no choice but to exorcise the slab floating on top of the entrance to the Crucible. Walking outside, Father Garcia tells John that he needs spiritual warriors like him to go against the UNSPEAKABLE. Mentally drained from never truly moving on with Amy, John confides to him that he was tricked by the Devil (White Entity) a year ago and notes that his faith isn't as strong as before. Garcia reminds him that since the Devil is real, God is real as well, and he will be his mentor to help him. The two join forces to gear up against the UNSPEAKABLE and drive away.


Ending III "A New Vessel"[]

In this alternate ending, and the day prior, John wussies out from exploring the Daycare Center and heads home. Awaken from a nightmare on the 31st, John spots a silhouette of Amy floating by and feels an impending sense of doom. He decides to unlock a door covered in crucifixes one last time, so he retrieves the key in the basement and narrowly escapes a Centipede Demon. Unlocking the door, there's a filing cabinet filled with psychiatric notes and Amy standing motionlessly. The rest of the area looks like the Martin House's attic, meaning that everything is not as it seems. Either falling for the illusion or accepting it, John kneels before her and asks why he's getting targeted. Amy doesn't twitch and stands there. Before he can ask for his nightmares to end, a human hand emerges from her mouth and grabs his face. She shouts, "UNFORGIVABLE" and John is seemingly teleported into the outskirts of the Martin House.

Walking around a well and catching a glimpse of Michael, John finds a dilapidated Martin House and enters inside. Hopelessly depressed, John recounts back to his first & second failed exorcism and feels guilty for letting down Amy and her parents. Walking downstairs to where the exorcism originally began, John talks to himself that this is where he saw the Devil for the first time. Based off of nightmares back in Garyland and the ending quotes with Father Garcia, he's referring to the White Entity, who is the UNSPEAKABLE. Going upstairs and entering the Martin Twins' room, there's an insignia of the UNSPEAKABLE on the floor and two weathered mannequins that are supposed to represent the twins. John emotionally breaks down and kneels to them, feeling that he failed them the most despite never knowing (in this ending) that they never existed. He raises his arms and Amy and Michael appear to hold them.

SPOILER spr CINE CH3E3 JohnGiveUp 0

Everyone besides John disappears, and a demonic hand grabs him and shrouds back to the darkness. The screen cuts to outside, but the Martin House disappears. We're shown, "Damnatio Memoriae" and the game ends.

UNSPEAKABLE vs. Antichrist Confusion[]

There's a lot of misconception as to which evil deity is who because the series prefers to be vague on a lot of key plot details. So, to start things off, it's important to distinguish the hands that come out of Amy's face portal. Whenever it's a red, human hand, it's from an alias of the UNSPEAKABLE. Remember that she got possessed by a demon back in 1986 that is a manifestation of the UNSPEAKABLE. One of the trademarks that the deity has besides a singular eye and fleshy mass is twelve human hands. So, from the first exorcism to the second exorcism in Chapter I, it's a sign of the UNSPEAKABLE.

Tumblr po4k3rqSLm1uze48zo2 540

As the Profane Sabbath approaches, the Antichrist is able to make its presence known and somewhat interact with what's happening on Earth by stretching its arm, so that's why in Chapter III the hand is demonic and has sharp nails.


This hand detail alone establishes that the UNSPEAKABLE and the Antichrist are not one of the same and are separate entities. For bigger evidence, when Gary captures John for a special Game Over, a demonic hand emerges from his face portal and grabs the camera.


John did not get possessed by any demon at all, and only the Second Death was performed on him on the day of the Profane Sabbath, so this means that it's the Antichrist. Besides, whenever Gary has to mention either of the two entities, he never says the UNSPEAKABLE is the Antichrist or vice versa. Establishing who is who is very important for the series overall because the cult plans to both summon the UNSPEAKABLE by having it possess a drugged person and summon the Antichrist via the Second Death, which is why all of these events and intricate timelines ever occurred in the first place.


  • The UNSPEAKABLE's roar, heard in the injection sequence.

  • The demon's ambient noises, also heard in the injection sequence.


  • Despite no official confirmation, the UNSPEAKABLE is implied to be Satan himself since it refers to itself as the "God of this World", which is a title given to the Devil in the Bible. Likewise, the demon Malphas is stated to be Satan's second-in-command in grimoires like the Ars Goetia.
  • The UNSPEAKABLE seems to take some attributes from a spider. It constantly wiggles, has a large body mass, and has multiple arms that could function as legs.
  • The UNSPEAKABLE's appearance is possibly an homage to Mundus; the main antagonist and final boss of the first Devil May Cry game. Specifically, his true form, which is a massive blob of flesh with writhing arms and three eyes.
  • Technically, the UNSPEAKABLE first appears in a teaser trailer for Chapter II. In the video, the Red Demon stands between Nate and Jason. Creepy atmospheric music steadily gets louder and the demon switches into the UNSPEAKABLE. The screen fades to black and a demonic voice says, "Their hands is at thy throats, and yet you see them not." We're shown two white crucifixes and the video ends.
    • This trailer is important for the UNSPEAKABLE because it proves that the Red Demon is an alias of it, and this connection was planned all the way back when Chapter II Prologue/Demo was released. Additionally, the quote about, "their hands is at thy throats," sounds like an earlier version of Note #18 "Ritualistic Killings Newspaper Article", confirming that the UNSPEAKABLE influencing the article is supposed to be intentional (otherwise, it sounds like a lot of theory-crafting than anything substantial or credible).
  • The frame where the UNSPEAKABLE was close to kill John in Snake Meadow Hill Church's basement has more hands than usual. This frame has 16 hands, but every other iteration of the entity has 12 hands.
  • There appears to be a visual trend that anything affected by the Order of the Second Death has some features from the UNSPEAKABLE, which in-vein takes attributes from a spider. Here's a list:
    • Possessed Michael: The way his possessed body looks and how he crawls are similar to how a spider would crawl. Also, it's proven that his possession originates from the cult because he draws satanic symbols that are directly taken from the cult. There's no way Father Garcia showed Michael satanic symbols while he was chained for three months. This knowledge of symbols is also shared by Amy when she got possessed.
    • Possessed Amy: The hand that comes out of her mouth in 86' and then face in 87' is human, just like the arms from the UNSPEAKABLE. When she crawls during one of John's nightmares, it looks like a spider.
    • Wretch: It wiggles around like what the UNSPEAKABLE does in Chapter III, has a similar body mass, and crawls.
    • Stick Doll: Visually looks nearly identical to a Wretch.
    • Monstrosity Tiffany: After banishing her demon, she tries to crawl towards to John like what a spider does. Her body mass is also like the stick dolls.
    • Gary's "Rain of Spiders": They look just like the monstrosity of Tiffany, have the same color as the stick dolls, and their body mass is like the UNSPEAKABLE.
  • Even though Demon Siege doesn't count as a part of the series, the UNSPEAKABLE speaks when it gets hit by John's bullets. Its voice box is high-pitched like Michaels, which is strange since Michael is given a darker voice in that game alone. It doesn't say anything noteworthy, just various grunts and wails.
  • (This is trivia for the wiki page) Big shoutout goes to "abortion steve" from the FAITH Discord for connecting ties between the UNSPEAKABLE and Satan.


In Gameplay[]

In Cutscenes[]

