Robert Kimball Martin, better known as Bob Martin, is a recurring minor character who's mentioned in a few notes in Chapter I and II. He makes a physical appearance during flashbacks of John's first exorcism in Chapter III.
Bob was the father of Amy Martin and husband of Cindy Martin. After completing his missionary services in Nicaragua, he came home to a standoffish Amy and a mentally unstable Cindy. He and Cindy believed Amy was possessed by a demon, so they contacted the Catholic Church in hopes of an exorcist arriving to relieve her. Two priests named Father Allred and John Ward respectively were assigned to take on the task, but during the exorcism session, Bob and Cindy were brutally gutted and strangled by their own daughter.
The only detailed look we get of Bob, besides his corpse, is a family portrait taken when Amy was a young child. He looks like your standard 80s father, who wears either a suit or a simple sweater during the initial exorcism of Amy. His glasses are the only detail that makes him distinguishable from other characters.
We don't know Bob very well since he's mostly mentioned in notes left behind by other people. From what we can gather, it's best to say that he was a caring man who tried to provide for his daughter and unstable wife the best he could. He was very well known in the Sterling community and involved in the United States Navy as a training advisor.
Although this seems trivial to even mention, he and the rest of his family were not religious, which makes it strange why he contacted the Catholic Church in the first place. A note found in Chapter I alludes that he somewhat believes in the supernatural or otherworldly figures considering that he tried to reach out to the Historical Society of Connecticut when he suspected his home might've been built on top of a historical cemetery; it's speculated that he believed whatever kind of strange gravestones he came across around his property may have been tied to whatever is possessing Amy.
Sometime in 1946[]
Considering that Bob was 40 years old by the time of his death, he was born to unnamed parents sometime in 1946.
March 12, 1969[]
An obituary found in Chapter II[1] reveals that Bob and Cindy get married in Voluntown, Connecticut. We're speculating that shortly after they got married, they moved into a house deep within a forest nearby Snake Meadow Hill Road in Sterling, Connecticut.
Sometime in 1970[]
We don't know exactly what year Amy was born but taking a note in Chapter I into consideration[2], she was 17 years old in 1987. So, by deducting "17" from "1987", she was born at some point in 1970 to Cindy and Bob. Due to the secluded location of their home[3], she receives her education via homeschooling[4].
May 3rd, 1980[]
A decade later, Cindy becomes pregnant again. On May 3rd, she's expecting to deliver twin boys, who she (or Bob) plans to name Nate and Jason respectively. We get this date from a birthdate invitation found in Chapter I[5], where the twins were supposed to have become 6 years old on May 3rd. Since Chapter I takes place in 1987, that means this invitation was made in 1986. So, by deducting "6" from "1986", we get May 3rd, 1980.
Unfortunately, during delivery, Cindy miscarried them[6]. Distraught over the sudden loss, she becomes delusional and perceives them as still being alive, despite not ever seeing them. Although Bob assigned her a psychiatrist that he knows, Dr. Morris, she occasionally relapses despite her therapeutic sessions by creating kiddie drawings[7], decorating the twins' bedroom[8], and holding fake birthday parties[6][5] as if they're still around.
Early 1986[]
In early 1986[6], Bob, Dr. Morris, and other of his friends[9] make a trip to do missionary work (despite never being religious himself[1]) in Nicaragua, concurrent with a real-life civil war that had been affecting the country for months[10]. They'll all return within September[9]. With Bob gone, only Cindy and Amy live in the house. Although everything seems to be working out well, it's best to assume that Cindy still relapses into her delusions, and it's probably difficult for Amy to deal with them. Besides, there's only so much they can do in the middle of a dense forest.
Amy turns sixteen years old at some point and Bob mails her a doll he found as a gift while doing work in Nicaragua[11]. Although Cindy notes that Amy seems disappointed with her gift, likely wishing she would've gotten a phone than anything or it made her feel self-conscious because she's currently working at a birthing clinic, the doll acts as a catalyst for Cindy's increasing delusions about the twin boys; firstly making her believe that Bob is stationed somewhere in the Middle East than Nicaragua, all because of how the doll looks[11]. Illusions of the twins appear to be communicating and interacting to Cindy only[4][12]; nobody else recognizes or sees them. They also loosely try to plant the idea that she can find replacements for them[6].
May 3rd, 1986[]
On the sixth anniversary of the twins' due date[5], Cindy made an imaginary birthday party for them[13]. Some of her friends attend her party to not upset her too much. During the party, one of her friends named Nancy spots a "tall man wearing dark clothing" talking to one of the twins outside of the party. Nancy calls Cindy later that night about what she witnessed. Cindy panics and wonders how she didn't notice this sooner. She plans to contact the sheriff about what happened, but nothing ever comes of it. Cindy writes all of this down on a note and laments how she needs Bob to be here and not elsewhere in the Middle East.
Deviating from Bob for a bit, this "tall man" may be referring to Gary Miller, the operator of the birthing clinic Amy is interning at[14] and a cult leader of the Eternal Order of the Second Death. He's planning to use Amy for a cursed ritual called the Second Death in order to summon the Antichrist onto Earth[15][16] and create his own Unholy Trinity. We're speculating that, in order to not have anybody else accidentally intervene with his plan, he was scoping out the Martin House to ensure Amy would be alone to proceed with the ritual.
At some undisclosed timeframe, there are implications that cult members are surveying the property since Cindy spotted two adults roaming the forest. Apparently, they were hikers that got lost and she pointed them towards the closest road, Snake Meadow Hill Road, but overall feels uneasy about the experience and contemplates whether she should retrieve Bob's rifle he stores in his closet or not. Cindy writes down this encounter on a note for herself[17].
May 5th, 1986[]
Cindy writes a letter and plans to deliver it to Bob[4]. She states that, yesterday, the twins and Amy started their new school year at home, but Amy expresses dissatisfaction and wishes to go to a real school. She dismisses her worries and merely chalks it up to cabin fever. More importantly, Cindy writes about how yesterday the twins came running into the house with blood on their hands. She followed them and found a horrific site of a deer carcass. Her initial belief is that there's some kind of coyote problem but she's still somewhat concern. The letter ends that all of this happened just a day after the twin's birthday and can't wait for him to return.
June of 1986[]
At some point, Amy decides to write a letter and deliver it to one of Bob's friends named Layton, a man who's on the same missionary job as him. The reasoning behind this isn't too obvious and we're never shown her letter, but it's likely that Amy was worried about her father and wanted to know what was going on in Nicaragua by asking his friend what's the weirdest thing he's seen on the job.
Amy receives Layton's response[9], who states that he was happy to hear from her. Layton recaps about a recent incident where a boy startled himself when he was recounting a time where he saw paranormal activity after praying to a St. Death figurine, one of the saints his family regularly pray to. Apparently, the boy and several natives practice a religion named Quimbamba, which Layton believes functions like a pagan religion. Layton tried to invite the boy to a Christian Church and states that God would not make him afraid like that, but the boy never showed up. The letter ends that he has to return back to work and that he'll see her in four months.
Since Bob returned sometime in September[12], we can deduct that Layton probably sent this letter around June.
Before September 6th, 1986[]
A couple months pass, and we cut to September. Cindy seemingly caved in from her Book Club members and forbade Amy to ever go back to work at the clinic.[18] Amy obliges despite retaliating against the idea. With Amy gone, this jeopardizes the plans for the Second Death. Gary thinks fast and decides to emotionally entice Amy back to the clinic with a premise of a get-together happening on a Saturday night. In the letter[18], he manipulates her feelings by saying how she's an adult and can handle her own decisions despite being sixteen. He follows up that she shouldn't let her mother & father dictate her dreams and he'll be there for her if she needs anything. He ends his letter that there'll be a get-together at the clinic, it'll be great for her to join, and she's still considered a part of the team despite her departure. Amy receives the letter and plans to sneak out on the 6th.
As an important footnote here, despite not entirely relating to Bob, a text file found in the Goodies Folder of FAITH called "FAITH - TheStorySoFar" thoroughly explains that Amy did sneak out on the 6th (which is why this Sub-Heading is titled "Before September 6th, 1986"). She got a ride to the birthing clinic. Once inside, the cult restrained her and intentionally got her possessed by an unnamed demon, who is heavily implied to be an alias of an evil deity worshipped by the cult called the UNSPEAKABLE, that aids the process of the Second Death. The cult drops her off at her home and speeds away. Amy enters her house and Cindy seemingly doesn't suspect any foul play. However, she somewhat notices that Amy is "off" or got some kind of condition.[12]
"The Offering" Note from Chapter I is the only note in-game that alludes to how Amy ever got possessed, but the reasoning has been intentionally vague. The doll that Bob shipped to Amy from earlier is a red herring and only relates to Cindy's delusions about the twins and finding replacements. It was important to mention this footnote now rather than later because it causes unnecessary confusion regarding the series plot.
(Deviating from Bob once again...) To make sure Cindy doesn't accidentally interfere with anything again, Gary intentionally manipulates her illusions that goad her to looking for replacements. Although currently there's not clear proof as to how he knows this, there's vague evidence that it's his way of toying with mentally unwell mothers[19]. However, it might be the doll's doing as well, it's intentionally vague.
Before September 21st, 1986[]
At least a couple days pass and Cindy doesn't feel safe in the house anymore; It feels like the atmosphere is warped or slanted[12]. She jots down on a note[12] that she occasionally hears voices emitting from the forest at night. Additionally, she's incredibly uncomfortable whenever she's around Amy, believing that whatever condition she has is getting worse. She wishes to take her to see a doctor but notices that her car keys are missing and the phoneline doesn't work during the day. An important detail to point out is that the illusions of the twins are more apparent than ever, the only real reason Cindy doesn't want to leave and contact somebody is that she can't just ditch the twins behind with Amy. She even restricts them from playing outside because of the strange noises, so it appears that the twins have somewhat "manifested" into being. The note ends how she feels slightly relieved upon realizing that Bob will be returning home tomorrow.
With Amy possessed, Gary and the cult finalizes a couple of things before they can restrain Amy once again and perform the Second Death while Cindy is preoccupied with her delusions. However, what Gary didn't expect is Bob returning from Nicaragua so soon. Now home, Bob is greeted with a standoffish Amy and a mentally unstable Cindy. Since Dr. Morris returned home as well, he tried to contact Bob about what to do with Cindy[6]. From a recent counseling session, Cindy starts to fully indulge in her delusions and brought up how she can find replacements for the twins; the same subject the two heard about while working in Nicaragua.
Bob does not heed Dr. Morris' worries; we're assuming because he's too preoccupied with trying to figure out what happened to Amy rather than what caused Cindy's sharp mental decline. Bob believes something paranormal is occurring in the house, so he explores his property in hopes that something around the area was connected to Amy's perceived possession, and he finds unmarked graves. Bob contacts a member from the State of Connecticut Historical Society to translate the markings[20], but they aren't able to provide any answers on what they say.
Running out of options, Bob and Cindy contact the Catholic Church (a.k.a. The Vatican) to see if an exorcist can come to relieve Amy's possession[21]. Father Allred is assigned to take on the task since he's well experienced with exorcisms. Analyzing the situation before officially starting the exorcism, Allred comes into conclusions that Amy's possession is stronger than what he's used to[22], so he contacts the Catholic Church for an assistant. John Ward, a priest who's never done an exorcism before, is assigned to take on the grueling task. Father Allred schedules to have the exorcism performed on the 21st. He was hoping to perform the session away from the house, preferably a decrepit shed nearby, because he knows how distressing it can be for family members to witness an exorcism performed on their loved ones based off of experience. Unfortunately, Bob and Cindy were adamant on having it done inside the house so that they can periodically check on Amy[22].
September 21st, 1986[]
(The majority of this Sub-Heading is taken from Chapter III's nightmare flashbacks and notes John wrote down that we can find in Chapter I)
On this fateful day, Father Allred and John drive to the Martin House in the night to begin the exorcism. The two park outside, open the door, and Allred introduces himself and John to Bob and Cindy.
John nervously darts his eyes and Cindy remains quiet; Bob's a nervous wreck and shamefully tells the two that he had to tie Amy in the basement. Walking downstairs, Amy stares at John and Father Allred coldly as Allred tries to ask how she's doing. With no response, Allred instead addresses the demon directly in Latin ("RESPICE AD ME, DAEMONIUM", which translates to "LOOK AT ME, DEMON"), which elicits the response, "HELLO, PRIEST." Father Allred then begins the exorcism.
John stares blankly as he sees Father Allred attempting to exorcise Amy with his crucifix. Amy can only kick her feet and laugh (or scream) as the session goes.
Allred gets annoyed and demands John to recite the prayer of exorcism from a nearby book. Upon reading the fourth verse, Bob and Cindy walk downstairs to see the commotion, inadvertently preventing him from completing the exorcism (this mess-up is referenced way down the line). Sensing Cindy's horrified silence, Amy's demon tries to call out to her by chanting, "MOTHER! MOTHER!" Allred requests John to take her parents back upstairs since her demon is trying to afflict them.
John relocates the two and Bob tries to spark a conversation; saying that whatever is going on with his daughter is not her, but John sourly responds with, "...I don't know what to tell you." He instructs the two to wait upstairs while he goes back down to assist Father Allred. In the basement once again, John finds Allred unconscious and notices that Amy is nowhere in sight. Shortly before Allred collapsed, he wrote "Take it" and "Save her" with his own blood. John picks up Allred's crucifix and says, "Don't worry, Amy. I'm coming."
John searches up and down on the 1st Floor for Amy, Bob and Cindy have strangely disappeared. However, he occasionally spots Cindy hiding behind furniture and sees Bob seemingly trapped in a mirror in the master bedroom (it's unclear if this genuinely happened or was just a weird occurrence in a nightmare of his first exorcism).
If John investigates the family portrait in the foyer, the portrait is tampered. Bob and Cindy's eyes and throat were scribbled out. There's a gaping hole over Amy's face and an insignia of the UNSPEAKABLE is on top of her (it's also unclear if this genuinely happened or was another weird occurrence of a nightmare.)
Walking upstairs to the 2nd Floor and into the attic, he spots Amy standing motionlessly. The entire room is cold. He urges her to go back downstairs to restart the exorcism, but her demon starts to tease that his deceased mother is in the room with them. John ignores the goading and calls out for Bob and Father Allred. The demon mocks him again that nobody is coming to rescue him. With no choice, John attempts to restart the exorcism all by himself.
Amy's demon was far too powerful, she knocks out John after a brief struggle and flees. Awakening, John places mannequins around the entrance to the main attic and vows to never return back in there based on what he's witnessed. Despite of that, he still wishes to resume the exorcism, so he investigates the house again to look for her. In Amy's bedroom, John is horrified to find Cindy's corpse near the same doll from months prior.
Amy apparently gutted and strangled her with her own intestines while John was unconscious. Walking to the master bedroom, he also finds Bob's strangled body.
By this point, John is deeply frightened and feels like he needs to get out of the house immediately before getting killed himself. However, he doesn't want to leave Father Allred behind since he was merely unconscious, so he musters determination and ventures to the basement again.
To keep this date brief since Bob and Cindy are dead, Amy ambushed John in the basement after she mimicked and manipulated Father Allred's corpse. The lights suddenly cut out and the entire house goes dark before John gets killed. Alone and terrified, John accidentally prays and makes a deal to a white entity who he thought was the Lord to escape the house alive, in exchange for, "the girl's fate sealed".
Inadvertently dooming Amy from ever recovering from her possession, John stumbles out of the house alive and towards paramedics and the police. This entity probably used some kind of otherworldly power to contact emergency services since its unlikely Bob or anyone else within the house contacted them. A note found in Chapter II[23] suggests that the police currently suspect John is the murderer once they eventually recovered the bodies, probably because it's unlikely a teenage girl can overpower three adults, but John is too discombobulated to provide a concise narrative.
September 24th, 1986[]
For the past two days, John and Amy were residing in Yale Psychiatric Institute for the time being since both are too mentally unstable to stand trial or be incarcerated[24]. The head runner of the institution, Dr. McGlashan, assigns John a psychiatrist named Dr. Spinel so that he can get more information out of him to provide to the police and Martin Family Attorneys, who are trying to solve the murder case[25].
Flashing forward to the 24th, a public closed-casket funeral for Bob and Cindy is held at Tillinghast Funeral Home in Sterling, Connecticut[1]. Due to the severity of their injuries, an open-casket funeral, where attendees can view the corpses during the funeral service, was not available. An obituary was written and released to the public[1], detailing that their lives came to a tragic end in their home from an accident. Since the murder case is still pending, their deaths are currently ruled an accident. The obituary provides a small backstory of their lives, where Bob was a training advisor for the U.S. Navy and Cindy was a Certified Public Accountant (abbreviated to CPA). Although the family were not religious, Bob and Cindy were respectful members of the Sterling community.
What's very important to point out here is that the obituary ends stating that Bob & Cindy are survived by Amy, Nate, and Jason. Additionally, the obituary states that Bob & Cindy taught their children, not child, to be generous and kind within the community. The Martin Twins never existed. This obituary can only be found in Chapter II[1], a vivid nightmare where John fully believes that the twins are alive. This means that every note that he picks up within that dream are influenced by his thoughts and feelings. This outlier won't be brought up until way later.
To keep everything brief and relevant, John was officially released from Dr. Spinel's care on October 31st[26] after completing required counseling sessions. It's unknown if a consensus was made that Amy was the murderer nor if Bob & Cindy's deaths were ruled an accident or homicide, but Amy currently resides in another mental institute for the time being[2]. John was denounced as a priest by the Catholic Church for an unknown reason[2], presumably because they don't want the public to know that possessions are real and capable of overpowering priests, it would make the organization look incompetent and cause mass hysteria. Now back home, John marries a woman named Molly and tries to move on as to what happened inside the Martin House, but he knows that Amy is still possessed out there[27].
September 21st, 1987 (Chapter I)[]
John never truly got over what happened back in the Martin House. At some unknown time period, he experiences a vivid dream where Amy reached out to him, requesting him to return back to the Martin House and finish the botched exorcism.
Today's the anniversary of the failed exorcism. Shortly before driving back to the cursed home, John feels it's courtesy of him to leave behind a letter to Molly. In the letter, he tries to tell her the true version of what happened a year ago, hinting that if he never returns, the Catholic Church will tell her their own version of what happened to him. He recaps that Amy, in reality, cut the power to the house, strangled her own parents with their gutted intestines and murdered Father Allred with her own hands. He delusionally states that he's obligated to return to the Martin House since his recently occurring nightmares are real and believes he can still exorcise Amy. John ends his letter that he loves her (Molly) very much and is sorry, implying that he's expecting to die in the house and his mission is like an elaborate suicide.
Now nighttime, John hops into his silver sedan. He monologues and reassures himself that he has to finish what he started, despite not being approved by The Vatican/Catholic Church. John pulls over to the side of Snake Meadow Hill Road, jumps out, and ventures into the dense forest looking for the Martin House.
The forest has a mind of its own and seems like he's walking in a loop, likely because the property surrounding the Martin House is influenced by demonic entities with thanks to Gary's meddling. Walking around hopelessly, a "chupacabra" named Michael appears from nowhere and attempts to ambush him, screaming obscenities of the Lord in the process. John fends him off with his crucifix and continues exploring.
Meandering through the trees, John stumbles across various notes and letters left behind by Cindy, including the Martin Twins' birthday invitation card[5], a letter detailing her sons touching a deer carcass[4], and questioning whether or not she should take out Bob's rifle[17]. Additionally, John spots illusions of the Martin Twins aimlessly running around[28], which establishes that Cindy's illusions of the twins are real in some way (the game never really explains this besides alluding that this is Gary's doing[29]). John follows their trail and comes across the Martin House. By the time he finds the front door key nearby and enters the house, he's thoroughly convinced that the twin boys are real[1], because this belief is applied to a few sightings in Chapter II[30] and the majority of Chapter III[29].
In the foyer, John can spot a portrait of the Martin Family nearby, showcasing a younger Amy, Bob, and Cindy.
We flashforward a bit to a standoff between John and Amy within the attic. Amy stumbles after an exorcism session and shambles towards the attic window. Before John can do anything, she screams and flings herself out of the window, plummeting all the way to the ground from a two-story house. John rushes downstairs and wants to check on her condition outside. In the foyer, there's blood on the floor that spells, "KILL HER" backwards. There's a gun nearby the front door, it's Bob's rifle. John picks it up and remarks that it only has one bullet. He steps outside with a small intent of fatally shooting Amy to end it all.
John found Amy nearly bleeding to death from her injuries not too far from the house. Although he was tempted to shoot her from the backward lettering, he shakes off the urge and decides to simply drive back home, believing that he's done enough with her even though he's leaving her to die alone from her wounds without contacting help. Michael attempts to ambush John one last time when he tries to enter his car, but John retaliates and shoots him in self-defense. Michael staggers onto Snake Meadow Hill Road in pain and suddenly gets ran-over by a semi-truck.
Shook up as to what just happened, John calms his nerves by reciting a prayer. He monologues that he can't explain what happened inside the Martin House, but he'll have to hold faith that he did the right thing. He speeds back home.
Although this will not be thoroughly explained here, a note found in Chapter II heavily suggests that the UNSPEAKABLE was within the Martin House. It attached to John and another priest named Father Garcia since they were both within the property. John and Garcia begin to experience vivid nightmares that seem to be demonically influenced.
September 28th, 1987 (Chapter II)[]
A week has passed ever since John failed his second exorcism with Amy. Sleeping in his bed, John experiences his worst nightmare yet.
Flashing forward a bit, the only remarkable thing within this dream that relates to Bob is the obituary stated earlier. If John exorcises one of the many gravestones within Gallup Cemetery, it'll leave behind the obituary that states Bob & Cindy are survived by Amy, Nate, and Jason. Since everything within this dream is tied back to John's thoughts and feelings about his environment, we cannot uphold any note collected within Chapter II as entirely credible. Chapter II still provides a majority of worldbuilding, despite being a dream, so it's important to keep this factor in mind.
Skipping forward, John awakens from his nightmare in a panic after witnessing the UNSPEAKABLE emerging from an elderly nun named Miriam. John finds a departing letter from Molly and another letter from the stranger, Father Garcia. Garcia explains that they must find the Martin Twins before the cult can use them to summon a great demon named Malphas. He's currently in the process of discovering their whereabouts, so he urges him to await for future updates. John hops into his car, probably to clear his mind, and tries to uphold strength to move on from Amy, find the Martin Twins, and stop the summoning of Malphas before the Profane Sabbath, the one day (October 31st) where demonic activity is at its peak.
October 28th, 1987 (Chapter III)[]
Flashing forward a month later, John begins to have nightmares where he reexperiences his first exorcism. Everything related to Bob is the same as detailed in the "September 21st, 1986" section, so future nightmares where Bob appears will be skipped.
October 31st, 1987 (Ending III: "A New Vessel")[]
In this alternative ending, John bailed from investigating a daycare center on the 30th and returned home to sleep.
Waking up from another nightmare and narrowly escaping from cult members who tried to break in and a centipede demon rummaging through his basement, John unlocks a storage room and confronts an illusion of Amy blankly staring at him. Seemingly falling or accepting the illusion, John kneels to her and asks why he's being targeted. Before he can plead to her for this nightmare to end (he believes all of this is a nightmare, which is debatable), a red human arm emerges from her mouth and grabs his face.
The screen fades to John stranded in The Forest. Walking around a well, he comes across a dilapidated version of the Martin House, which puts him in a depressive and emotional state. He enters inside.
Inspecting the broken mirror in the master bedroom, John thinks to himself that "they", Bob, Cindy, and Father Allred, didn't deserve "this", death, and it should've been him instead. Exploring the attic, there's a lone letter written by Dr. Morris back around September of 86'[6], urging Bob to respond to him since he's concerned about Cindy's mental decline and mentioning of "replacements" for her miscarried twins, the same topic they heard back in Nicaragua.
This letter alone establishes that the Martin Twins were miscarried. Ending I and II roughly alludes that the twins never existed, stated by Gary himself if John ever questions him about it. However, Gary doesn't give John the full answer. Although John can read Dr. Morris' letter where he can find out the twins were never real, in the end, he kneels to two mannequins that are supposed to represent the twins in their bedroom. He raises his hands in defeat as Amy and Michael restrain him. A large red demonic hand grabs his body and steadily disappears. The screen cuts to outside, but the Martin House disappeared, and the series ends.
First Nightmare[]
- (John, Bob, Cindy, and Father Allred walk to the kitchen and stop near a flight of stairs)
- Bob: "She's in the back, I had to tie her up."
- Father Allred: "I understand."
- "Don't be afraid, Mr. Martin. The Lord's servants are here."
- (Bob pauses and all except for Cindy walk down to the basement)
- Bob: "...If you say so."
Second Nightmare[]
- (John relocates Bob and Cindy back to the kitchen)
- John: "It's best that you stay up here."
- Bob: "That thing down there... that's not my daughter."
- (John pauses briefly)
- John: "...I don't know what to tell you."
- "I need to go and assist Father Allred. Stay here and pray for Amy."
- Although an un-hooded Gary and Bob both wear similar glasses, Airdorf confirmed that they are not the same person.
- Gary's glasses are not transparent like Bob's, they more resemble sunglasses than anything.
- Bob's strangled body is found in the master bedroom. There would've been a lot of contradiction if Bob was still alive or if he really was Gary and it was just a random guy in the bedroom.
- I, the writer of this article, DM'd Airdorf about this on Twitter and he said that they're different characters. I can't find the original Twitter reply so just believe me on this (sorry!).
- During the second nightmare sequence, you can't fully see the bloodied version of Bob in the master bedroom mirror no matter how close you get. You'll see his bleeding stomach but never his face, which technically makes the sprite partially unused.
- (This is trivia for the wiki page) Shoutout goes to Captain Howdy from the FAITH Discord Server for recreating Bob's appearance from the family portrait in Chapter I.
Family Portrait[]
Reference List[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Ref. - Note #7 Ch II
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Ref. - "The Murderer" Note Ch I
- ↑ Ref. - Note #8 Ch I
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Ref. - Note #5 Ch I
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Ref. - Note #2 Ch I
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Ref. - Note #44 Ch III
- ↑ Ref. - Note #12 Ch I
- ↑ Ref. - Gameplay Screenshot of Martin Twins' Bedroom
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Ref. - Note #16 Ch I
- ↑ Misc. - "Nicaragua: Before and After the Revolution" by Laura Zaremba (.pdf file)
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Ref. - Note #15 Ch I
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Ref. - Note #13 Ch I
- ↑ Ref. - Unused Note (Mrs. Martin's Sixth Letter) Ch I
- ↑ Ref. - Note #6 Ch III
- ↑ Ref. - Note #40 Ch III
- ↑ Ref. - "About Gary" Dialogue
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 Ref. - Note #4 Ch I
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 Ref. - "The Offering" Note Ch I
- ↑ Ref. - Note #26 & 27 Ch III
- ↑ Ref. - Note #6 Ch I
- ↑ Ref. - "Chapter III Intro" Dialogue
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 Ref. - Note #8 Ch I
- ↑ Ref. - Note #9 Ch II
- ↑ Ref. - Note #16 Ch II
- ↑ Ref. - Note #9 Ch II
- ↑ Ref. - Note #26 Ch II
- ↑ Ref. - Note #18 Ch I
- ↑ Note - If you linger around within The Forest for so long, you'll see the Twins running around.
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 Ref. - "About the Boys" Dialogue
- ↑ Note - The Martin Twins can be seen within the Candy Tunnels and Malphas' House