Snake Meadow Hill Road is a road in Sterling, CT. It is mentioned and appears several times throughout the FAITH series.
Points of Interest[]
Many locations important to FAITH's story are located along Snake Meadow Hill Road. They include:
wip, will go over usage of the road in the chapters and significance
- The Martin House is listed as being on 1338 Snake Meadow Hill Rd. While Snake Meadow Hill is a real road in the real town of Sterling, there is no address listed with that number.
- A truck will sometimes speeds down this road and can kill John (also Michael during the ending where Michael is shot in Faith Chapter 1 by John), and appears again in Chapters 2 and 3. 'Airdorf' is written on the side.
- If the player walks to the right hand side down Snake Meadow Hill Rd. after arriving in Chapter 1, there is a chance to find Father Garcia, who drops a clown nose.