Faith Wiki

Cirque77 Cirque77 9 July 2019


Just wondering if anyone here would be interested in having a FAITH wiki discord, I know a lot of other pages have one. I suppose the admin would want to start it up. Just throwing the idea out there. I use discord quite a bit, and the server that we have over on the Saw wiki has been a lot of fun.

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Cirque77 Cirque77 23 June 2019

Notes page

I recall someone mentioning how large the notes page is, and how it is pretty much a giant block of text. I'm wondering if it might be better to move the notes page by splitting the notes onto their respective games' pages. I think it would make more sense and be easier for people to find when navigating the wiki. Really just suggesting. If you all think it's a good idea, I'll go ahead and do it.

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Cirque77 Cirque77 11 June 2019

Linked text color: Hard to see.

Hey everyone, Cervid here. I'm not sure who the admin on here is, or even how you would change this, but the blue color of the linked text is pretty hard to see against the grey background. Could we consider changing the default link color to a yellow possibly? Either that or the golden orange, or red colors of the game art. I love how the coloring on here hints back to the games' color sceme, but I think it would be a lot better to have the blue linked text be more visible. Thanks. xoxo

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